28 Sept 2014

Vivaldi Autumn The Four Seasons High Quality

You Can Do It! - Wisie for Children Inspirational Video

Phonics Song -- Alphabet Sounds Children's Song -- Kids Songs by The Lea...

Wheels on the Bus - Nursery Rhyme - Children's Songs by The Learning Sta...

Famous Nursery Rhymes Collection

You poked my heart......

The months poem

The Months by Sara Coleridge adapted to Spain by J.Wilson
Copy this poem into your notebook with your best writing

January brings the snow, makes the flu virus grow.

February brings the carnival and the sardine that is burnable.

March brings father's Day on the 19th March,  San Jose

April brings fiestas all over Spain, bullfights and flamenco sometimes with rain.

May brings blossom to the almond trees and Trinity exams make us ill at ease

June brings  jasmine, poppies  roses.  Fills the children's hand with posies.
Hot July brings holidays galore.  No more homework anymore.

August brings the grapes for wine, fat and juicy on the vine.

Warm September brings the olives on the tree and back to school for you and me.

Fresh October brings Halloween,  ghosts and witches begin to scream.

Dull November brings the cold at last, stews and soups are eaten fast.

Chill December brings the sleet, blazing fire, and Santa's treat. 

Read the poem once by yourself and then to your partner.    Invent 12 questions with your partner about the poem.  Invent three new verses changing the words and using a rhyming dictionary to help you.  . http://www.rhymezone.com

Year 2-3 Game

Play this great game to work on vocabulary for clothes and  decorating your room.  You have to register but it is free.

Petra's Game

Number games 3-4th year

 For those of you still having trouble with the numbers here are some fun games to practise

number 1-100
spelling numbers 
 practise numbers
order numbers 
Matching numbers 
post a letter 
 pronunciation numbers

My daily routine worksheet year 4 teaching resources

My daily routine.  Write what time you usually do these things.

1.  I normally wake up at .......................................................................

2. .I  usually get up at............................................................................

3.  I get dressed at................................................................................

4. .  I have breakfast  at.................................................................................

5..   I go to school at....................................................................by.................

6.  I have lunch at................................................................................................

7. I go home at......................................................................................................

8.  I have a snack at...........................................................................................

9.  I   always do my homework

10.  I go to.................... classes on ........................and .......

11.  I have dinner at..........................................................................................

12. I have a shower at....................................................................................

13. I go to bed at................................................................................................

Write down  five  other things you do at the weekend.  Use I (often, sometimes, rarely, never, usually or always) in your notebook.  Here are some examples to help you

file:///C:/Users/Usuario/Desktop/Writing%20about%20daily%20Routine%20Connectors.pdf (Thanks)

 Wake up: despertarse 
• Get up: levantarse 
• Have / take a shower: ducharse 
• Comb my hair: peinarme 
• Get dressed: vestirse 
• Put on my clothes: ponerme la ropa 
• Have something for breakfast: desayunar… 
• Brush my teeth: lavarme los dientes 
• Put some make-up on: maquillarme 
• Make my bed: hacer la cama 
• Tidy my room: recoger la habitación 
• Go to school: ir al instituto 
• (by bus, by car, by bike, on foot) en autobús , en 
coche, a pie… 
• Leave for school: salir para el instituto 
• Go back home: volver a casa 
• Leave school: salir del instituto 
• Have something for lunch: almorzar… 
• Have a quick nap: dormer un rato 
• Do my homework: hacer la tarea 
• Go to the library: ir a la biblioteca 
• Help my mother / father with the housework: 
ayudar a mi madre con las tareas domésticas 
• Watch TV: ver la tele 
• Listen to music: escuchar música 
• Surf the internet: navegar por internet 
• Play computer games: jugar al ordenador 
• Play a video game: jugar a un videojuego 
• Go for a walk with my friends: dar una 
vuelta con mis amigos 
• Play the piano, the violin…: tocar el piano, 
el violín 
• Play football, tennis…: jugar al fútbol, al 
• Train: entrenar 
• Go to English, dance, karate lessons: ir a 
ingles, a baile, karate… 
• Go jogging, go swimming…: ir a corer, ir a 
• Dress up: vestirse para salir (ropa más 
• Go out with my friends: salir con mis 
• Walk my dog: pasear al perro 
• Go to bed at about…: acostarse a 

REMEMBER: USE OF SEQUENCE CONNECTORSAFTER: Después NUNCA puede usarse de forma aislada, ya que significa después de. Ha de ir seguido de un sintagma nominal o de un verbo nominalizado. E.g. After dinner / having a shower, I get ready for the disco!  After that, I usually go jogging AFTERWARDS: Después. Este conector sí se puede usar a comienzo o final de párrafo en posición aislada. THEN: Luego. LATER: Más tarde. FINALLY: Finalmente. REMEMBER: PREPOSITIONS AND TIME EXPRESSIONSON weekdays, AT weekend, ON Sunday, Monday… AT two o’clock, IN the morning / afternoon / evening, AT night ONCE A …(WEEK/MONTH/YEAR…) una vez a la semana TWICE A… dos veces a… THREE/FOUR TIMES A… tres /cuatro veces a…OTHER USEFUL EXPRESSIONSEITHER… OR o…o At weekends I have either pancakes or toasts for breakfast ni…ni I don’t like either swimming or jogging NEITHER…NOR ni…ni I like neither swimming nor jogging ALSO / TOO también I also go to karate lessons / I go to karate lessons too


18 Sept 2014

Flower of Scotland sing-along lyrics

Scotland The Brave!!!!

On this evening before the results of the Scottish vote is made public this great worksheet and video of the movie Brave seems like a great resource to post.
Brave simple present worksheet

James Rodríguez Was Already Great 12 Years Old

Look boys from year 4.  This was James Rodriguez when he was 12 years old.

Girls from year 4 Makeup tutorial

Hey girls  from year 4 look what these two are up to!!!!!

Trinity GESE Grade 5 Mock Exam

This is the level 5 Trinity  which most of the children in the class will be doing in year 4

Parents from year 4

Hi All of you parents from year 4,  

We will soon be meeting up  in person at the first parents meeting, but I just wanted to say that this year will be quite intense as far as English goes, with the dreaded Trinity level 5 hanging over us.
I will be posting a video of the level the kids will need to have by May/June and the first few months we will be focusing on reading and writing accurately and grammar(yuk)

We will also be using a class reader to share together and I will need all the kids to have a dictionary.

The Oxford pocket English-Spanish is my personal favourite although, if you have another at home then just bring that. It is a bit advanced for this year but it will do them up to secondary
The classes are hard working and seem very motivated which is always half the battle.

Have a great start to the year!!!!!

By the way next Thursday 25th we are going to have a number test so they need to know how to spell numbers from one to A trillion.

16 Sept 2014

Year 3 Parents

Hi , all you year three parents and welcome to another  exciting year in the lives of YOUR Children.
Holidays are over and it's back to work for everyone.
This year you will be happy to know there is no official exams so we are more relaxed.

However, there will be more of a focus on reading and writing this year as we progress through the four skills and we will be asking children to take a more active part in their learning.

We will have one session of splitting the group to focus on reading and we will have a classroom diary to report interesting things that happen to us in and out of school.

We will be using a classroom reader to read all together and hopefully improve our reading speed and accuracy.

I will use this blog to communicate any interesting events so keep a regular check on it.

Can't wait to meet you all in person.!!!!

Trinity -- GESE Grade 3 Mock Exam Parents year 2

Hi All,  and welcome back to another thrilling year in the lives of your wonderful children.
This year as a special treat we have the Trinity exam level 2-3 and I will certainly be needing all the help I can get from you.

I will be posting lots of activities on the blog so you can help prepare YOUR  children from home
Here is an example of the type of exam they will face in May so you have an idea about the level.  Most children will be doing level 3 although a few will be placed in level 2

ABC Alphabet rap song

Every official exam (Trinity, Cambridge) starts off with kids having to spell their surnmes so get in there early.

Learnin' My Letters! (ABC rap song for kids)

Rap the A;B;C and start spelling your names!!!!!

Circle game with classroom objects and numbers

Instructions for circle or loop game.

Cut up the strips of paper below.  Give one to each kid.
Get out your timer. Tick tock, tick tock
 The kid with Go,   stands up and reads his strip. 
 I've got.............?  Who's got.........?
The next kid stands up and says I've got......who's got?
Until every kid has read his strip all around the class and the last kid has said STOP:,   Then tell them how long it took. 
 Try to get faster and faster each time.  After the game they can write new vocabulary into their notebook or explain what each object is to a partner or try to recall as many objects as possible.
Try to keep up the pressure and momentum!!!  It makes it more exciting!!!!

Circle game classroom objects

Go-  I've got: rubber.  Who's got: Pencil?
I've got pencil.  Who's got pencil case?
I've got pencil case.  Who's got sharpener?
I've got sharpener.  Who's got notebook?
I've got notebook.  Who's got teacher?
I've got teacher.  Who's got exams?
I've got exams.  Who's got pens?
I've got pens.  Who's got ruler?
I've got ruler.  Who's got homework?
I've got homework.  Who's got glue?
I've got glue.  Who's got schoolbag?
I've got schoolbag who's got paper?
I've got paper.  Who's got desk?
I've got desk.  Who's got chair?
I've got chair.  Who's got computer?
I've got computer.  Who's got scissors?
I've got scissors.  Who's got book?
I've got book.  Who's got dictionary?
I've got dictionary.  Who's got clock?
I've got clock.  Who's got playground?
I've got playground.  Who's got friends?
I've got friends.  Who's got stapler?
I've got stapler.  Who's got calculator?
I've got calculator.  Who's got chalk?
I've got chalk.  Who's got paintbrush?
I've got paintbrush.  Who's got paperclips?
I've got paperclips.  Who's got markers?

I've got markers.  Who's got crayons?
I've got crayons.  Who's got school bus?

I've got school bus. STOP

Loop game for numbers(really pronunciaton practise)

Go-  I've got: eight.  Who's got twenty?
I've got twenty.  Who's got eleven?
I've got eleven.  Who's got thirteen?
I've got thirteen.  Who's got one?
I've got one.  Who's got fifteen?
I've got fifteen.  Who's got sixty?
I've got sixty.  Who's got eighty eight?
I've got eighty eight.  Who's got seventy six?
I've got seventy six.  Who's got five?
I've got five.  Who's got three?
I've got three.  Who's got thirty?
I've got thirty who's got ninety nine?
I've got ninety- nine.  Who's got fourteen?
I've got fourteen.  Who's got a hundred?
I've got a hundred.  Who's got eight?
I've got eight.  Who's got seven?
I've got seven.  Who's got forty?
I've got forty.  Who's got sixty -six?
I've got sixty- six.  Who's got sixteen?
I've got sixteen.  Who's got fifty?
I've got fifty.  Who's got ninety- seven?
I've got ninety- seven.  Who's got forty- eight?
I've got forty -eight.  Who's got one thousand one hundred?
I've got one thousand one hundred.  Who's got four?
I've got four.  Who's got two thousand and fifty-one?
I've got two thousand and fifty one.  Who's got thirty three?
I've got thirty three.  Who's got five hundred?

I've got five hundred.  Who's got a million?
I've got a million.  Who's got twenty two?
I've got twenty two. STOP

Months Of The Year Song

Here is a slow months of the year song.  Try getting kids to learn it by heart.

The Big Numbers Song

Time for everyone to revise numbers.  

This song is not too unbearable!!!!

Try these online number games.

Here we go again!!!!

O:M:G it's back to the grindstone after a very lazy summer.

So this year it's year 2,3,4 (Spanish system)which is very confusing.Twenty four  hours contact time plus two exam classes for  Trinity in year 2 and  4 and the new education law to implement (   La Ley Orgánica para la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa (Lomce)

I keep forgetting what I'm doing in each class.  It's the alzheimer creeping in!!!
But I'm not really complaining!!!!!

I'm sure there are plenty of people out there with a worse deal.  At the end of the day the kids are cute and they still love their teacher.Even after I gave them the horrid "Initial Test"we were forced to hand out the first week here in Madrid.  One kid actually threw up over the exam.  The best thing he could have done!!!!

So I'll keep you all posted and I'll start putting up material for each year group that I hope might be useful for you all..

By the way if anyone is coming to Madrid  this is my latest cosy flat  through airbnb.  It's cheap and cheerful.
