22 May 2013

Biography On family member year five.

Year five don't forget you've got two weeks to investigate a family member and prepare their biography.  When I get back from holidays we'll be starting immediately so get some really juicy gossip lined up.

By the way at the end of the year we'll be doing a typical KET exam so you can see the level yopu need for next year so have a look at the examples on Internet.

The Gruffalo

The Gruffalo story

This is the story we're working on in the five year olds.

The kids absolutely love it.


He's got terrible tusks and terrible claws and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws he's the Gruffalo.

He's got knobbly knees and turned out toes and a poisonous wart at the end of his nose he's the Gruffalo.

His eyes are orange, his tongue is black, he's got poisonous prickles all over his back .  He's the GRUFFALO!

The gruffalo song


Hola a todos!
Si has participado en el concurso Jóvenes Estrellas de Cocina o si tienes un herman@, amig@ o compañer@ de clase que ha participado, puedes ayudar a los jueces a tomar su decisión entrando en Facebook, mirando los videos y clicando en me gusta de los mejores. Los videos finalistas estarán en el Facebook de Educachef https://www.facebook.com/pages/Club-Educachef/326320430781624?fref=ts a partir del día 21 de mayo y tendréis solo unos días para votar al mejor equipo de cocineros.
Los aspirantes al título de Jóvenes Estrellas de la Cocina 2013 esperan vuestro apoyo. A ver cuántos “me gusta” son capaces de acumular..
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