13 Oct 2012

5º de primaria: Goldilocks puppets

Making Puppets
Hi everyone in year 5,

This is a good website from the British Council to have a look at to listen to the story of Goldilocks and do some activities.


You can listen to the Song on Youtube.


What do you think about making some puppets? 

There will be a prize for the most original, so use your imagination!!!!
Then we can go and tell the story of Goldilocks to the children in pre-school.

Here are some ideas:




  1. Hi Jenny I'm going to participate in the contest of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, maybe not win but I like to do crafts.

    Bye, bye

  2. Hi Jenny I'm going to participate in the contest of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, maybe not win but I like to do crafts.
    Bye, bye

  3. Hi Jenny I am going to parcitipate to.
    I also have a blog:www.saraysuscompis.blogspot.com

  4. I make the puppets.
    P.D:Enter in my blog please.
