25 Jul 2013

Success Criteria

Success Criteria
Something that I also talked a lot about last week was “success criteria”.  Does that ring a bell?
It means making the learning intention for each class we teach SMART.
How do we ensure all these things?
First, share the Learning objective of the lesson while giving them the bigger picture too (Don’t keep it a secret) so for example:
Today” we are going to learn a poem about some boats but the bigger picture is that we are studying different forms of transport”.
Or “we are going to make a business card for a Greek God of our choosing, while we are studying the topic of Ancient Greece”.
For you the teacher it’s absolutely clear (Well most of the time) why you’re doing this activity, but for the students it may not be so obvious.
How can children succeed if they don’t know what “Good “  looks like?  So our objectives have to be so simple that every child in the class can achieve them.
But then, I hear you ask, what happens to the extra bright ones?  Don’t worry we have the solution.
We say for example-   Everyone will make a business card with the name and address of a Greek god.  You should add the name of the God’s company, and you could include an image. So you are actually working at three different levels every day.
Children must be shown models all the time of what we expect and know clearly what is - an average, a good and a great.  We have to let them know how to get to the Great and also where they are while on that journey to get there.

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