5 Feb 2013

Reading with five year olds



Hola Padres y Madres de cinco años.

Aquí tienes las 45 palabras más comunes en inglés que vamos a estar

trabajando hasta al final de curso.



Cada semana tienen que aprender 6.

Como se hace?

Jugando es mucho mas motivadora que solo aprender palabras aislados
sin sentido para ellos. Hacer que encuentran  parejas, o puedes jugar memoria
 con las tarjetas bocabajo o snap.  Acordar siempre decir la palabra tu primero 
 y que ellos luego lo repiten.


Pronunciación de los más complicados

En Ingles                                                        Español


I                                                                        ai

Go                                                                    gou

Come                                                                cam                                                              

You                                                                    iu

Up                                                                      ap

Day                                                                    dei

Was                                                                    wos

Look                                                                  luk

The                                                                     De

Are                                                                     ar

Of                                                                       ov

He                                                                       hi

All                                                                       ol

Said                                                                      set

To                                                                        tu

Away                                                                   awei

Mum                                                                    mam

Play                                                                      plei

This                                                                      dis

Like                                                                     laik

She                                                                       shi

They                                                                     dei

My                                                                        mai

See                                                                         si

Going                                                                    goin
Get                                                                         guet


 Creo que más o menos son así.

Arriba hay unas paginas para practicar fonética


  1. hi jenny
    i found this web site that looks great, you might want to share it with other parents:

    However i still prefer the paper books than ebooks. How and where can I borrow these oxford reading tree books for my kids?

    Gema (Mias mum 5 years-old)

    1. Hi Gema you can find quite a few websites for the oxford reading tree like the following.
      You can also buy the books in Amazon.co.uk very cheaply second hand. Jenny
