26 Feb 2013

Jolly Phonics for five year olds

 Jolly Phonics

Some of you have asked me to include links to youtube with the songs from the jolly phonics.  So here you go.Have a nice day.

It gets a bit boring if you overdo it so just once in a while.

more phonics


Phonics for parents

21 Feb 2013

Are Soft Parents Creating Monster Kids?

This is so true and it is what I'm looking at every day.

Apparently according to this "eminencia" or brainy person

  Dr Don Kindleton   the symptoms that we as parents should be on the look out for "just in case we are creating a monster" are the following: 

They experience:
  •  Self- Centeredness
  •  Anger
  • Extreme ambition
  • Lack of motivation
  • Eating disorders
  •  Impulsiveness
  • Spoiled  behavior

Does this ring a bell to anyone??????Have you ever witnessed this kind of attitude in children not to far from where you are right now?Children who are given power and backed up by misguided parents then become "despotas" or  tyrannical, brutal, dictators.  (Does that seem a bit O:T:T?)

We DO need to put cameras in the classroom for the teachers protection. Oh and tape recorders too PLEASE!!!!  

Burnt hair is nothing!!!!!(In Spain yesterday a teacher got her hair set on fire by a kid that probably started off complaining that his teacher was too strict "Que le tenia mania" o "Que le regañaba" and then he was backed up by the powers that be.   

The result being that he grew and grew and grew!)

Read this book it's really enlightening.

Too Much of a Good Thing: Raising Children of Character in an Indulgent Age,” 

Parents need to be the boss. " Love your kids to death but always be in charge" and please, please, please don't undermine the teacher even if you can't stand the sight of her/him.

15 Feb 2013

A big black rock

A big black rock

Yes that meteor that's passing Earth might just drop a few little stones on our school.  Can you imagine a great big hole there  on Monday and no classes for a few days???????

No school on Monday!!!!!!


It's true teachers are "petardas"


You know that people who work with crazy people or "mentally ill"  if we want to be politically correct are usually a little strange themselves. 
Anyone working in politics especially in latin countries is probably "on the take" or at least open to offers.
People who work in the health service are usually often caught giving people advice about their health and people who work in the entertainment business are usually very under wieght and often fond of illegal substances.

 It is true that we are certainly affected by the people that surround us every day.  They condition our behaviour and we end up following their example or at least adopting some of their behavior patterns.
So what happens when those "people" are half a metre tall and under twelve?????

Do we as teachers begin to absorb their problems, worries and perspective of life and even interiorize their behavior converting ourselves on some levels to primary school kids??

I believe so.

We often tend to magnify little problems like:

"Oh my god he forgot his folder today".
"What do you mean you forgot your homework?"
"How could you take this pen from another table??
I told you to colour the participles NOTthe past tense!!!!!!!!
Why don't you put the tops on the pens.  This is a disaster??
 What did you say to Fullanita?  I'm going to tell your mum. That's terrible!!!
You've worn that top three times this week I'm going to call social services.
"Can it be true?  You didn't bring your gym shoes or your sandwich???
OH no!!!Your note book is not the right colour.
You forgot your library booK???How is that possible???
I don't like your school bag it's too big, small, pink or noisy.
Your pencil case is too full of pens that make everything dirty.

And as for talking!!!!!!!!!
Well,  the worst offenders for not listening to anyone are of course,  our dearly beloved Maestros/as.
We who love nothing more than the sound of our own voices and we're used to having a captive audience.  Poor souls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The other day in a parents meeting while other parents sat and listened I witnessed fellow colleagues
chat all through the teachers presentation.
As for teachers meetings Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Better we don't go there!!!!
So much for respecting different point of views!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then there's the petty jelousy too.  Who's popular with the head?  Who's more popular with the parents?  Who do the kids love more????  Who's the hardest working???
It's just like the playground on some levels.
If you're my friend then you can't be hers or his.
The worst is when you get stuck next to a maestro/a at a dinner party.  Pray that you get called away on an emergency or you'll be subjected to how terrible parents are and what a failing society we're living  in.  (I have to admit this is one of my favourite topics).
Oh My God!!  The thing is we're just like everyone else outside the classroom. Our kids are no different (although we love to think they are) they also forget their homework and sometimes even don't behave like little angels or robots!!!!!
The problem is that the longer you're in eduction the more difficult it seems to be to distance yourself from becoming like the children yourself. and putting everything into perspective.
Next week I'm going to try harder!!!!!  But wait for my analysis of parents soon it will be their turn!!!!

Present perfect tense year five

Do not forget to do the exercises on the present perfect on EGO4u
Here is the link just in case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have until next Friday to get ready for the test.
It's probably the most difficult yet , but you will have your list of irregular verbs to help you so don't panic.

Don't forget the same day we have the Dorian Gray description and questions.

HANDA'S SURPRISE - Picture Book- Animation

This is a story we'll be working on shortly with the five year olds and we'll be trying the tropical fruit

Diego reciting his poem

Diego has learnt this poem by heart and he did a great job.  So now I would like to encourage you to learn by heart any poem that you enjoy and when you're ready we'll put it on the blog like this one.
A great poetry website is this one

Pet Port A Potty

© Kathy J Parenteau
I took a walk in the city today
to try to pass the time away.
Saw lots of people walking too
stepped right in a pile of doggy doo.
I thought for a moment just what could be done
to clean up the streets of doggie dung.
Maybe I'll invent something really super
even finer than a pooper scooper.
A port a potty for our four legged friends
on every street corner where every road bends.
Then I'll become famous for this awesome invention
at the monthly town meetings my name will be mentioned.
They'll throw a big party and dance in the streets
because never again will there be poop on our feet!


The Man From Greece

© Skull
There once was a man from Greece
He was incredibly obese
He rolled round the world 
crushing all boys and girls
then fell into a vat of grease

13 Feb 2013

Dorian Gray - Official Movie Trailer

It's amazing!!!!!!!FIVE YEAR OLDS

The five year olds are actually writing in English!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing to do with me

We read a story about a little boy who lost his bear on a bus.They were transfixed!!!!!!!!!All of them could identify with losing a special toy.Then I gave them the pictures to put in order and wait for it......................................They wrote the story themselves in English  with the few letters that they know.

Don't you think that's incredible????????I do.  

It's the first time in twenty years it's happened to me.

So make sure you make a huge fuss about those green books that are arriving  home this week because your kids invented them.

By the way,  thanks for helping them with the high frequency words half the class  already know the

12 Feb 2013

The best business cards

We chose the best cards according to design, correct spelling and size of the cards.
Here are two pictures of the winners.
Hope you like your prizes.  Well done!!!!!!!!1

11 Feb 2013

Clever Kids in infant 5's

In the five year old class there are two children who have

already learnt their first twelve  high frequency words.  I'm amazed!!!!  Keep up the good work.

When they have learnt them,  send the sheet back then

they get a super sticker and a big clap from everyone.


We're playing bingo this week with three letter words working on the story The lost teddy from Oxford Reading Tree..

Don't forget to send the blue folders back.  Half of the class have left them at home so we have nowhere to put their English work.  If you can't find them don't worry any old folder will do.  Thank you so much:

10 Feb 2013

The Greek God business cards in year five

Hi year five hope you're having a good weekend.
 I'm finally getting my voice back.

I've been looking at your wonderful business cards for the greek gods.
 I'm going to put some photos of your work  and I have made some of my own because as I told
you in class, I was so impressed by the results

I found a great website called  http://businesscardstar.com which is very easy to use too.
 Your cards were amazing and I think this was a really useful activity.
I'm looking forward to seeing your personal business cards.
I particularly liked Aphrodites beauty parlour, Haephastus's  heating company, Poseidon's water services
( I wonder if he's cheaper than The Canal of Isabel the second?)
Athena's wisdom classes and of course Dionysus's winebar.
Thanks to all the helpers in the shade that made this activity so successful.
The prizes for the best will be given out on Monday.

I have shown your cards to all the teachers and my family.  They think they are great too!!!!

5 Feb 2013

A Language school

I'm thinking of setting up a language school here in Boadila Del Monte.  It's something I've been thinking about for years.
I'm going to start looking for a good place to set it up.  If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
I was thinking about the new part of Boadilla Infante Luis or nearby, since their are lots of young families and it's easier to park.
The focus would be on helping children with science, preschoolers and official exams for adults.

Online Ket for Year Five

online KET


This website is an online test for KETso you have a clear idea about where you stand for next year
I would like you to have a go at it.
Bring me the results on Monday.

Reading with five year olds



Hola Padres y Madres de cinco años.

Aquí tienes las 45 palabras más comunes en inglés que vamos a estar

trabajando hasta al final de curso.



Cada semana tienen que aprender 6.

Como se hace?

Jugando es mucho mas motivadora que solo aprender palabras aislados
sin sentido para ellos. Hacer que encuentran  parejas, o puedes jugar memoria
 con las tarjetas bocabajo o snap.  Acordar siempre decir la palabra tu primero 
 y que ellos luego lo repiten.


Pronunciación de los más complicados

En Ingles                                                        Español


I                                                                        ai

Go                                                                    gou

Come                                                                cam                                                              

You                                                                    iu

Up                                                                      ap

Day                                                                    dei

Was                                                                    wos

Look                                                                  luk

The                                                                     De

Are                                                                     ar

Of                                                                       ov

He                                                                       hi

All                                                                       ol

Said                                                                      set

To                                                                        tu

Away                                                                   awei

Mum                                                                    mam

Play                                                                      plei

This                                                                      dis

Like                                                                     laik

She                                                                       shi

They                                                                     dei

My                                                                        mai

See                                                                         si

Going                                                                    goin
Get                                                                         guet


 Creo que más o menos son así.

Arriba hay unas paginas para practicar fonética

4 Feb 2013

Help with reading

Hi mums and dads of five year olds
We have just finished the EE sound and students will be bring their minibooks home this week so please read them aloud with your children.  (Don't forget the sound is like Spanish i)

We are starting with level 1 of the Oxford reading tree which is the reading scheme your children will be using in year one so we will be focusing on the main characters from the stories and high frequency words.

I will be sending lists of words home and I need your help to practise reading them at home


Thanks see you on Wednesday   

Preparing teachers

Hi again,
this week I'm  working for the trade unions and doing teacher training.

Isn't it amazing that this so important task often falls on these organizations here in Spain?

In Finland teacher training is taken seriously and millions of euros is invested every year for in-house teacher development.
The Madrid Community suspended training sessions during class time three years ago and since then training has reached an all time low.

You can travel to an English speaking country during the summer holidays with some financial help but then in one month you're supposed to come back and face teaching science or art in English with a B2 level or often less.
Our students at Jose Bergamin often reach B1 in year 6 so teachers really need to be much more proficient.

But what happens in secondary?  We have now reached the point when our primary students reach ESO and their teachers of social science,  history, geography or technology have a lower level than they do.
All these tests (habilitacion linguistica) are great but when you actually hear the level of the teachers being interviewed it is frightening.
If a biology teacher or a P:E teacher wants to keep his or her job, they know that the only way is to learn English if not in a very short space of time,  a newly qualified student teacher is going to come along and take their place.
Not an easy task if you have a family and are not able to disappear for a couple of months to England or Ireland.

The language academies are booming and a lot of the clients are teachers but not of English.
These professionals are doing their best to update but surly this responsibility should be insitutionalized and the Ministry of Education should be involved in the process. 
Results take time to show their fruits and goverments want immediate improvement to win votes for the next elections.

Jose ignacio Wert is just as short sighted as his predecessors and unlike Finland, Spain does not consult classroom teachers when modifying education laws the results of course being the chaos we find at present time.