21 Nov 2014



Getting smarter isn't something that happens overnight. Instead, you have to build your intelligence every day through intentional daily habits.

Here are some simple actions that could help you become a smarter person.

1. Come up with 10 ideas every day. Think about how to reduce poverty, how to solve a daily problem you have, interesting movie ideas, or anything. It doesn't matter what subject your ideas fall into, as long as you're working your brain and your idea muscles. Your list might even lead to a new startup idea or writing subject. —Claudia Azula Altucher
2. Read the newspaper. It will help you become more aware of the important things happening around the word. You'll learn to form your own opinions and connect the dots between seemingly unrelated things. You'll also have a lot more to talk about at parties or with friends. —Manas J Saloi

3. Read  one  book a week. 

Fiction books are great for understanding characters and getting absorbed into another perspective, while non-fiction books are great for introducing you to new topics, from politics to psychology. Claudia Azula Altucher
4. Instead of watching TV, watch educational videos. Sometimes, it's more fun to watch things about a subject you love than to read about it, and you can learn a lot from other people's experiences.

You can find fun, educational videos on Khan Academy or watch TED talks. You can also find good ones on Youtube's channel SmarterEveryDay. In videos, the information is often presented in a digestible, memorable way, so you can be assured they'll stick. —Hendrik Sleeckx

5.  Do something scary  like talk in public or  something outside your comfort zone.

6. Share what you learn with other people Tell people around you what you have heard or read.
7. Make an "I Did" list. At the end of each day, write down what you completed. This will help you feel better about all the things you accomplished, especially if you're feeling discouraged. It will also help you reflect on how productive you were and how you can re-structure your to-do lists for the next day. —Claudia Azula Altucher
8. Write down what you learn. You can start a blog or use an app like Inkpad to help you keep track of everything you learn. Not only will this be a great way to keep a record of everything you're doing, but it's also a good source of motivation to keep you accountable. You will want to learn more if you know that at the end of the day you'll have to write about it. —Manas J Saloi
9.. Stimulate your mind. DOING SPORT is a great way to get your brain flowing and to keep your mental health in shape. It's also a great way to think through difficult decisions or process new information. —Rick Bruno
10. Hang out with people who are smarter than youSpend as much time as you can with smart people. Every day, you should talk  or walk with someone who inspires you.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/daily-habits-that-make-you-smarter-2014-7#ixzz3JjMotY6Q

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